Contact & FAQs

Many initial questions can be resolved via these FAQs below, this will hopefully save you time in finding an answer to your query.

1. Who can apply?

Students taking individual lessons or group lessons in school may apply as long as they meet the criteria set out. Settlebeck School, Sedbergh and Dent Primary Schools can also apply for grants.

2. How much will I get?

It varies from term to term depending on the number of applications but usually well over 50%. In very exceptional circumstances we will give 100%. There is a cap of £200 per child per term.

3. When do I apply?

A closing date is set usually about a week after each end of term.

4. How long before I get my grant?

All grants are paid a term in advance – the payment can normally be processed within 4 weeks.

5. What happens if I miss the deadline?

Late applications will not be paid out for that term but may be carried over to the next term. It is the parents/guardians responsibility to get their applications in on time.

6. Can I apply to buy/hire instruments?

No, we don’t do instrument hire or purchase, however there are some instruments available to borrow from the pepperpot group.

7. What happens if I can't get a teacher to complete the 2nd part of my form?

We can’t pay any grants out without a teacher having completed page 2 of the form. This is very important as we need to know that the student is having the stated number of lessons and it gives us a chance to see the progress being made in the teachers report.

8. Will the trust pay for exams or other expenses?

We can only fund lessons for individuals. However we can give help to the schools for music equipment and other music related expenses.

Get in touch

Music is life itself
Louis Armstrong